its about 11 am, everyones either sleeping or wishing they were still asleep.
i can’t think of anything to write about last night that doesnt sound corny as shit. “oh man we all got raped by those laser monkeys from congo except the laser monkeys from congo were actually music”
i wanted to do a live blog / live upload kind of thing, but the venue was using one wireless connection for the visuals and for anyone involved in the fest with a laptop, all over a mobile G3 connection. i couldn’t even get one picture to upload here so i gave up.
much different crowd than the American Blip Fests. I got the feeling a lot of them just came because it was a show rather than because they were fans or had any inclination towards chip music. but despite that they all seemed to have a really good time.
here’s a story:
yesterday at around 8 am, me and paris are outside smoking. 2 people stroll up, a middle aged (or middle aged looking at least) white lady and a younger black guy. they have one bike, with a piece of luggage strapped to the back, dragging because one of the wheels is missing.
some how we ended up talking to them. i don’t think either of them were from Denmark, or at least only one of them, because they talked to each other in bad english.
they asked us where we’re from and what we were doing in denmark. when paris told them i was a musician, the guy hugged me.
the woman asked if i was famous, and i told her no. then she asked why. that’s a really weird question to ask anybody, regardless of what they do.
then the guy at some point told us his name was Zulu or Sulu or something along those lines, and i guess to prove it, he took his little knit cap off to show us his dreads.
he started asking me about my music, and then wanted me to sing it to him for 20 seconds. i told him i couldn’t, because my music is too complicated. we had to explain to him that it was instrumental music.
then he told me that the only way to ‘be the best’, and to win, is to be a singer.
after that he refused to believe i didn’t sing, and kept telling me “you lie for me” over and over.
my favorite act from last night that i hadn’t heard before was definitely Binärpilot. He killed it. So it goes.
there’s some pictures at , but the use of a fog machine basically gave me two options: pictures with flash = fog sucking all the color out of the shot, or pictures with out flash = blurry as the dickens.
oh and at some point Random took the time out to teach us about module files
here’s some videos from last night, but my camera is for pictures so the audio is pretty much awful.
there’ll be more from last night on my youtube page as they upload. i’ll try to keep in touch, but we have to buy our wifi here in blocks of time, and we are not rich men.
i’ll try to get the other guys to post shit too.
blip fest europe got me feeling right.
maybe a little too right

4 responses to “Holy Fuck, Boys, it’s Blip Festival Europe! (a post from Saskrotch)”
You shouldn’t have lied for that guy. That was quite rude of you ;) we all know you can sing.
he was threatening to do a Pixies cover tonight to show me up and said he would sing it. If he doesn’t I am pushing him in the harbor. With the jellyfish.
Oh man, weird people asking weird questions. That’s awesome.
“I got the feeling a lot of them just came because it was a show rather than because they were fans or had any inclination towards chip music. ”
And those are the better crowds, I’m afraid I have to say.