01: Standard Effect Added: 7xy Tremolo
02: Standard Effect Added: Bxx Position Jump
03: Standard Effect Added: Dxx Pattern Break
04: Added a row highlight selector and the settings are saved on config file.
05: Lastest resolution of the Window is saved on config file.
06: Copy/Cut/Paste actions now are more intuitive.
07: Default skin updated by Degen Seven.
08: Added a button to switch between the Instrument List and the Pattern Matrix.
09: Added a new texture for skins: Bar.
10: Added a new texture for skins: Arrows.
11: Added a nice transparency effect for the index sidebar.
12: Added a nice transparency for DefleMask Logo.
13: Moving a multiple selection with Insert and Backspace was not working.
14: Manual updated.
15: Corrected some bugs.
DefleMask 3.8 Released!