- Ok we are back.. but lost a few days news.. If your item is missing kindly resubmit! #
- RT: @gamesetwatch: SK8-bit http://bit.ly/bdYtyr #
- RT @chip_music: ChipMusic.org has a NSF player! Go upload or listen to a NSF! #
- RT: @firebrandboy: Uploaded my new track to #8bc http://is.gd/cdsrX #
- RT: @bleepstreet: \\\ La Belle Indifference – Dr. Ziltch ( Dr. Von Pnok ChipHall-Mix)… http://bit.ly/b3OKwR #
- Interview with Dr. Octoroc. https://web.archive.org/web/20160729160643/http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=9030497 #
- The Depreciation Guild Spirit Youth Reviewed: http://www.exclaim.ca/musicreviews/latestsub.aspx?csid1=143&csid2=870&fid1=46561 #
- #whyilovethetank Hanging with dragons, eagle eyeing minors, power cycling blown tweeters, blipping to packed houses and empty rooms TCTD<3 #
- Boston Chip acts profiled: http://www.breakthruradio.com/index.php?show=10306 #
- TCTD Frontpage logo has a nice update for summer fun. Thanks Keff! #
- SP Prosound is not so much about the sound, but obviating an adapter: #
- RT @speccynews Ziggy, new emulator for Windows featuring accurate multicolour and ULAplus support: #
Author: Peter Swimm
TCTD Links for 2010-05-19
The C-men Writes:
Videoremix of Raquel Meyers’ clip for psilodump’s “the droidduck”, with a remix of the original track by psilodump. This also launches the new “the droidwhatever EP” available here
This remix is part of an upcoming DVD by raquel meyers featuring her clips and remixes by paris & outpt and n0carrier amongst others. Which all of you have to buy because of the sad little children in the world…those in say, iceland…
Mega Man Music: Interview with Hally
1UP: Can you tell us a little about your personal histories with this particular game series?
Hally: I’ve been following videogame music since I was young, and I’ve found Mega Man music has always had a singular quality to it. It has a purity that appeals to many listeners. I’ve actually written articles on the history of Mega Man background themes, based on interviews like this one. I felt the burning desire to uncover just what it was that made these tunes what they are. (This is something Ippo-san and I have talked about on numerous occasions.) I ultimately came to the conclusion that while it’s something very distinctive, Mega Man music ultimately evades being pinned down and described in words.
Ryo Kawakami: I remember playing Mega Man back in elementary school and loving it. I even recorded my NES on cassette tape and had to experiment through trial and error to edit out the buzzing sound of the boss’s life bar filling up. Mega Man ZX was my first experience writing music for the series, and it sure did bring me back. It was an emotional moment for me.
Read More at Mega Man Music: The Blue Bomber Meets Blip Festival from 1UP.com.
Ghost Links from the Outage
- RT @8bitRolf Designing an OPL3 Game Boy Cartridge, fuck yeah. That said, nobody will ever write the code it would need. Still, fuck yeah. #
- RT: @richvreeland: “Marco Tannenbaumgartner”, new NES-style tune for upcoming game on @chip_music. http://bit.ly/9gxeTT #
- RT: @enso_gfx: This is definitely one of my favorite pixelstyle posts in recent memory: http://bit.ly/biD6ZR #
- 8bit Betty – Mostly Dead Music: http://8bitbetty.bandcamp.com/album/mostly-dead-music #
- Frank Frazetta RIP: http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=7356 #
- Wired: 8-Bit Imagery Invades Music Videos http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2010/05/gallery-8bit-music-videos/ #
- UDA made it into the onion book: #
- Hey Chip Artists: Despite our name, we think its alright if you stop apologizing for a release not being ‘100% Chip”. #
- TCTD Proudly Accepts the Chipflip award for TCTDness 2010: http://chipflip.wordpress.com/2010/05/12/tctd-award-00101101/ #
- Are trackers used in mainstream music (yes they are) http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=7357&page=1&x=34&y=11 #
- “gravity in terms of space time” by Starscream fan video: #
- mGB Editor for Ableton Live http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/1108/mgb-editor-for-ableton-live/ #
- RT: @8bitpeoples: • New in the store: V/A: Continue. Save. Retry. comp. CD, Wizwars, Receptors, PDF Format, lots more. https://www.8bitpeoples.com/store/product/79 #
- ChipFlip: Why the Demoscene is big in Sweden: http://chipflip.wordpress.com/2010/05/13/why-the-demoscene-is-big-in-sweden-bit-for-bit/ #
- Spork? BitPunk? Movies? http://io9.com/5537572/spork-is-the-first-classic-bitpunk-movie #
- Here is the chipmusic-less trailer http://vimeo.com/11168011 #
- Family Twitter http://www.batslyadams.com/2010/05/family-twitter.html #
- RT: @plgDavid: The one page BASIC SID Benchmark! http://ploguechipsounds.blogspot.com/2010/05/one-page-basic-sid-benchmark.html #
- Sid Player for Android: http://www.androidzoom.com/android_applications/multimedia/sid-player_gowo.html #
- VBLANKS YM synth in Make: http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2010/05/midi_kit_for_a_vintage_synth_chip.html #
- Superbrothers tribute to Frazetta: http://www.swordandsworcery.com/news/2010/5/10/frazetta.html #
- “Whats Ghettoblastin?” (by Prepare To Meet Thy Broom!) http://bit.ly/9AGcgW #