Category: hardware

  • master everdrive appeared

    this is a sd/mmc capable flashcart for the sega master system by krikzz.

    max supported ROM size of 8mbit (1mbyte)
    32kb FRAM for game saves
    support for SMS and SG-1000 games
    support for standard sega mapper and codemasters mapper
    cartridge can be used on the sega game gear using a game gear adapter
    operating system can be updated via the SD port
    RAM data can be loaded or saved from the SD card
    support for both SD and MMC cards
    SD/MMC cards are limited to a 2GB partition, with FAT16 formatting
    the FRAM will store game saves even after power-off. there is also no need for a battery for game saves
    addition support may be found on krikzz’ site here.

    via kitsch-bent — master everdrive (non-usb).

  • TinySID on a 16 bit PIC

    Ater successfully getting the TinySID library running on a PIC32 [1] some time ago, I recently wondered, if the 16 bit MCUs from Microchip would also be fast enough to run the code. It turned out, that they are, at least the 40 MIPS models (PIC24H and dsPIC33F).

    A big hurdle is the (compared to the PIC32MX) small RAM on these chips. Since the SID tune must be loaded into RAM, only some small tunes will fit into the 8 kB of the MCU used on the Web Platform [2] I had at hand.

    However, the source code [3] and binary [4] are available from Google Code. The PWM output is on IO7, and IO8 is used to switch the tune when pulled to GND.

    Have fun,


    Via: MATRIXSYNTH: TinySID on a 16 bit PIC.

  • Phantom of the Floppera

    Test run of my (d)iskette (O)rgan doing Toccata & Fugue.

    People have made floppy drives sing before, but this is my personal take on it.

    Features two 3 1/2″ drives and two 5 1/4″ drives connected to a PIC18f14k50 microcontroller. It interfaces to any MIDI source via MIDI over USB. Straight MIDI would also be possible with an additional small circuit and some minor firmware changes. This initial version can respond to all 128 MIDI notes, and pitch bends +/- 2 semitones.

    As it can produce only four simultaneous notes, and each drive has a different range and tonal characteristics, best results are obtained by arranging compositions by hand. However, it features two modes of operation: in one mode, MIDI channels 1 through 4 are played directly on floppy drives 1 through 4. In the other mode, all 16 MIDI channels are read, and notes are “intelligently” divvied out on a first-come, first-serve basis. “Note stealing” ensures that melody lines sound, but chords are often cut short. One or the other produces acceptable results for many unmodified MIDI files straight out of your favorite media player.

  • VidByter : New MIDIo firmware from VBLANK!

    Prototype test video of my new MIDIo Visual board firmware: “VidByter”

    This is a new swappable firmware for my DIY MIDIo kit that works with Mac/Win/Linux to capture live video and send it over a USB/Serial cable where it is pushed directly onto the video ram space of a circa 1977 Chip8 RCA “Pixie Video” emulator. The Pixie hardware was found on the COSMAC VIP and several RCA based video “PONG” consoles such as the RCA STUDIO II.

    via YouTube – VidByter : New MIDIo firmware from VBLANK!.

  • MSSIAH CTRL Hardware Controller

    This is MSSIAH CTRL – a custom DIY hardware control mod for the Mssiah synth.

    If you’re not familiar with MSSIAH it is a cartridge for the Commodore 64 that turns the 64 into a MIDI synth module.

    via Synthtopia.