Music for imagined games and infinite trains.First in a series.
via 6955.
Toons from various consoles.
This adaptor connects a Game Boy with a PC via link cable and USB port. It allows to update nanoloop 2.x (2.2 or higher) carts and to backup/restore data from/to nanoloop 2.5.
The adaptor is a bare PCB, shaped to fit into a link cable’s plug and a USB port. Electronic parts are coated with a shrink tube.
Oliver also mentioned on 8bc that “the nanoloop USB adaptor ( will also be available with a MIDI-firmware which does exactly the same (appear as MIDI device, sync Game Boy to PC). for about $10.”
– a Game Boy Advance (DS doesn’t work due to lack of link port)
– a link cable (any Nintendo or 3rd party model will do)
– a PC with Windows
via nanoloop USB-adaptor.
Wet Mango Live in LA-CA by WetMango
This is most of my live set from some random show in LA i played on August 27, 2011. Enjoy.
via Wet Mango
The 3.5 version is released, this is the major change since DefleMask was released. DefleMask has passed from supporting only a Mobile FM soundchips to support 3 Systems at the same time. The good thing about this is that DefleMask was re-coded to manage a “plugin-system-like” soundchip addon. So the plan is to add more soundchips support and new systems.
So far, DefleMask supports this soundchips:
And with this soundchips, DefleMask is capable to make music (on VGM and MMF format) for the next systems: