- Skrasoft and his workaround for the Pokey noise bug: http://skrasoft.com/blog/?p=202 #
- Some tasty pics from Main Party 2009 are up.. look at that video screen! http://www.mainparty.net/ #
- Repeat after me blogger: chiptune is NOT a genre: http://tinyurl.com/ye9q5g9 Also that song: …. #
- Slight Medical Issue is transformed into Pixel Terror. Cue Strings. http://minusbaby.tumblr.com/post/205634198 #
- Speaking of Mr. Spastic (last week), here is a new track by he. Nice! #
Category: Atari 8Bit
TCTD tweets from 2009-10-06
Exotica update!
My favourite and one of the most complete archives of Amiga music, Exotica, has had a pretty significant update. According to my old friend BuZz:
There have been major changes to the various music collection interfaces. The biggest feature addition is that for most of the tunes you can now Ogg Vorbis encoded audio recordings directly from the search interface.
These are created on the fly in real-time, and as such are provided for convenience rather than accuracy, however you may well be surprised at how good they sound. To access the Ogg downloads browse or search for a tune, and a button will be displayed above the results that allows you to show the Ogg download links.
Read more about the new Ogg download feature.
Exotica is not just a file repository, most every file is coupled with a load of other data and also mirrors many collections of other platforms like the HVSC, converting it into an ambitioous database of old computer music.
You can access the different sections of this huge collection clicking here.
via Abime.net.
Breakpoint 2009 about to start!
demoparty in the making! In little more than 12 hours everyone’s favourite -PURE DEMOSCENE- (no gaming fuckers) party is about to commence.
After a bad start generated by the global crisis, sceners worldwide have helped the party to be a reality and it might be, as they say, its finest hour! Corporate twats, take notice!
We’ll be looking forward to the oldschool competitions: usually the best Amiga demo of the year is released at Breakpoint (probably by TBL), so it’s going to be a busy weekend.
Those lucky party-goers attending the venue are in for a good weather treat: the forecast looks promising, so you will have the chance to spend good time outside of the place and your screens. Remember, this party doesn’t accept remote entries, so if you want to be part of the competitions, your only choice is to go to the party!
For us who can’t go, it seems this year, despite the economic problems, we’ll get the stream again. Yipee!
Schedule, Compo rules and more? Head over to the official site of Breakpoint 2009.
Skrasoft on Poly Pokey Midi
One of the features of the MIDI Pokey synth is the ability to have one MIDI channel control all the Pokey voices polyphonically. That allows it to play chords directly from a standard MIDI keyboard without any fancy processing in between. The Pokey has four voices, so it can play four note chords. It can also do three note chords plus a melody line, and any other permutation of four. Making it work was just a matter of deciding how to route multiple notes to multiple channels.
More info and audio on the Blog. I want this one pretty bad..
Skrasoft Midi pokey PCB
The first revision circuit board came back for the Pokey MIDI synth. It is up and running wonderfully. Audio examples are the same as in previous posts, and I’ll put more together as the MIDI engine expands. This was all on a series of breadboards before, so it is nice to have it condensed down to a single printed circuit board. It is 4? by 3?, with MIDI in, power in, and a 1/4? line out.
More info on the blog.