Category: C64

  • xum1541 – Fast USB C64 floppy adapter!

    Nate's xum1541 prototype
    Nate's xum1541 prototype

    Tired of having to use an archaic Parallel port to connect your PC to your C64 drive?
    Don’t want to buy expensive hardware like the u1541, or other memory card solutions?
    Want to backup your diskettes with your modern day computer without the hassles involved with stuff like TPC64?

    Fear ye not, my friend, a solution is in the works! Actually, currently in alpha stage.

    Not long ago I was alerted about xu1541 by Mr. Animal Style, and I was wondering, “why is it that nobody took over this idea and continued it?”. Obviously, someone was on the subject.

    Nate Lawson of the Root Labs has taken the xu1541 and improved upon it, creating the xum1541 (pronounced zoom 1541), a USB interface to connect your IEC bus disk device to your modern day computer.

    High speed, and supporting parallel cables too, this device will be running easily with the OpenCBM software, and also will support Nibtools (for copying copy protected software)

    Best part of this whole deal? The schematics will be free, of course, and it seems this will possibly cost under 40 dollars to build (not bad considering you need a hardware USB controller, based on an Atmel chip… This is not just a cable).

    Watch it in action!: (more…)

  • Chipstar Heroes unite

    product-shredz64With all the hype around Guitar Hero and Rockband (following the successful trail of the “DDR-type” games), the oldschool machines feel kind of left out of the loop.

    Fear ye not, my fellow oldschooler, for beautiful minds in the Amiga and C64 scene bring us software to enjoy ripping it on our old machines, with class.

    What’s  so cool about this? These programmers are using chipmusic we love or getting our favourites composer to make music, in original format, for these games. Some of them are opening up for submissions so you should pay attention, if you compose in any of these platforms.

    Tracker Hero, for the classic Amiga range of computers and as of yet unreleased, shown here playing tracks from Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 and some demo productions.

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    Shredz64, for the C64, with a tune fromone of my faves, Randall: Ex-State of Mind. This one even interfaces with the original GH controller and is already available. You can even add your fave SIDs to the software!

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

  • Sounds of the Amiga Vol.1

    Source: CSDb74655

    TRIAD, the well-known C64 demogroup, brings us a new production dedicated to the breadbin’s bigger brother (or as they said, “younger cousin” ;D), the Commodore Amiga 500.

    A collection of 8 songs, covered from their Amiga MOD originals, transformed from 4 digital channels to 3 synth channels, is what you will find in this nice musicdisk. Ne7 and dalezy are the men behind the musicmaking, while Spot(also from Amiga demogroup Up Rouugh) took care of the graphics, and iopop has crafted the coding.

    My disk’s favourites? No Future and Introghost.

    (watch out for Vol.2!)

  • Goto80 – L-V–SC-LD-RTH-ND–TH

    New track from the chipmusic maestro Goto80, with matching video from the 8-bit visual queen, Raquel Meyers.

  • TSS Magfest Liveset

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="319" height="258" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    VGMetal/Chip crossover rocker SHAWNPHASE played MAGfest with his beefed up TEMPSOUNDSOLUTIONS lineup. You can catch the awesome Alex Mauer cover at youtube, or the entire set at the following: