Category: C64

  • 8GB – Live in Tokyo 2010


    Official blurb:

    In his first time in Japan (and Asia), 8GB delivers a mighty blow to an unsuspecting Tokyo crowd at the fantastic first installment of Blip Festival Tokyo in Koenji High, Tokyo, Japan, September 5th 2010.


    via 8GB’s official feed

    Don’t forget, 8GB’s latest track is available in the Chip in: Japan fundraising compilation!

  • karin8580 appeared

    My Dreamproject in a perfect housing (ready after years of dreaming):
    8580 SID-Player in a Pioneer DT 555 case.
    Driven by a AT91SAM7S256 @ 48MHz.
    64KB RAM / 52KB for PSID-Files.
    256MB SD-Card for 35000+ PSID-Files. Accessed by RAW-Sectors.
    Display 2×16 HD44780.
    Trust 2.1 Soundsystem.
    Panel connected: Power On/Off, next Menupoint, enter, AT91SAM7S256 reset.

    It was a very hard way to the end-result. Thanks to everyone who supported me. Special thanks go to MyWife (for not killing me), MyKids (for loving SID-Tunes), Frank Buss, Stephan W., Atmel Support, Commodore, Thomas Pototschnig, Andreas Schwarz, Benedikt K., A. K., JojoS, Marcus Harnisch,
    via YouTube – karin8580.wmv.

  • CheeseCutter 0.4.0 Appeared

    New C64 tracker for Windows with source, based on Goattracker? Anyone give it a try yet?



  • TinySID on a 16 bit PIC

    Ater successfully getting the TinySID library running on a PIC32 [1] some time ago, I recently wondered, if the 16 bit MCUs from Microchip would also be fast enough to run the code. It turned out, that they are, at least the 40 MIPS models (PIC24H and dsPIC33F).

    A big hurdle is the (compared to the PIC32MX) small RAM on these chips. Since the SID tune must be loaded into RAM, only some small tunes will fit into the 8 kB of the MCU used on the Web Platform [2] I had at hand.

    However, the source code [3] and binary [4] are available from Google Code. The PWM output is on IO7, and IO8 is used to switch the tune when pulled to GND.

    Have fun,


    Via: MATRIXSYNTH: TinySID on a 16 bit PIC.

  • Rob Hubbard Editor

    Find me on the web :

    Here is a very quick demo that shows some other songs that were made with Rob’s replay back in the day.

    Saw this while I was gone, and didn’t realize how cool this actually is! Wonder if it can just natively reopen Hubbard sids for editing?

    via Rob Hubbard Editor Page 2