Category: C64

  • FST – FST Trackmo 2 (2010)

    “Trackmo” is a word that describes a certain type of demo of the Amiga era.

    Big demos used to be called “megademos”, which were an assortment of routines, many times each with its own music, that were presented to the viewer one after the other or selected by the user on whichever order they might wanted to watch them.

    The trackmo is as big as a Megademo and in many ways similar (one routine after the other) but it’s played like a videoclip, in one shot, under one or two soundtracks, and usually has sound coordination. These were very popular in the Amiga and many of the biggest classics are of this format (like 9 Fingers).

    C64 demos are not usually trackmos but in the late years they have started being so, and the name just stuck. Here’s a very Amiga-inspired trackmo from the FST crew, released at Assembly 2010

  • Inversion – Crushed (2010)

    Seems like the sceners are a bit slow posting the Assembly demos on YouTube for the oldschool competition, so this won’t be as easy as I thought, but patience will pay off.

    I start an almost month-long tour schedule this Friday, so I Won’t be around TCTD until past mid-September. Therefore I will post a bunch of stuff in the following 3 ays so you don’t miss me :P
    I will try to post some stuff from Mexico and Japan too, kind of keep a travel log if I find something interesting for the website.
    Anyway, this was the highest-ranked  C64 demo at Assembly, it has some really cool moments, it’s not fantastic, bu it keeps it fresh, and one of the pictures (the one with a girl and a jellyfish) has been created in a procedural way which is pretty fantastic.

    Enjoy this demo:

  • Offence – Victrip (2010)

    Very cool 4 KILOBYTE demo from Offence for the Commodore C64.
    The effects are tightly synced to the audio, which didn’t come through very well thanks to YouTube being poop. So download it for your C64 and test it on the real thing.

    What seems to be quite impressive is that the creator of the demo (who assumed the roles of coder, graphician and musician) started doing stuff for the C64 only one year ago. Impressive!

  • HVSC – Update #53 is out

    Yet another HVSC release. This time we have 1045 new and an amazing count of 897 fixed SIDs. Also we have 20 PlaySID/Sidplay1 specific SIDs eliminated. The collection contains now 38,714 tunes. Have fun listening! For the full text of the announcement please read here

    After this update, the collection should contain 38,714 SID files!

    This update features (all approximates):
    1045 new SIDs
    897 fixed/better rips
    20 PlaySID/Sidplay1 specific SIDs eliminated
    133 repeats/bad rips eliminated
    1076 SID credit fixes
    81 SID model/clock infos
    23 tunes from /DEMOS/UNKNOWN/ identified
    10 tunes from /GAMES/ identified
    81 tunes moved out of /DEMOS/ to their composers’ directories
    11 tunes moved out of /GAMES/ to their composers’ directories

    via HVSC – Commodore 64 music for the masses!.

  • Artcity: new website by Bitfellas

    This is  weekly demo special edition! Since I am behind two weeks, I decided to post this related news item.

    Once upon a time I used to go all the time to a site called GFX ZONE which was a repository of demoscene pixel artists, both old and new. Those fanatic of digital graphics and the demoscene probably remember it (you can still watch it, in its zombi state, clicking here)
    Long defunct, I now found this site, recently re-launched, with a huge archive of pixel art to dive on. Run by the awesome Bitfellas crew, the site is pretty amazing, and a -necessary- stop for every pixel art aficionado.

    Ah, the good old days when we actually DID antialiasing, and by hand.

    Most recommended visit: Artcity

    Illustrating this post: one of my favourite pieces by one of my favourite artists, “Too much clubbing”  by Cyclone, from Germany. Check out his gallery.