Category: ds

  • Breakpoint 2009 wrap-up Part One

    77735Yeah this took me ages… 

    Sorry, I am very busy with my real life and cannot commit to post as much as I used to.

    But I still guess a lot of the releases on Breakpoint have passed by most people’s noses so here’s a sum up of what I thought was most interesting, on the oldschool/wild categories. Even a month after Breakpoint has ended, you could find a few gems here to enjoy . Hey, it beats reading about a retarded pussy who takes pride in the fact his bicolour hair covers all his face and that he just painted his Gameboy in 32 colours.

    So find contained herein a bunch of videos and babble from yours truly!
    Part one covers the DEMOS only. part 2 will cover Music and Graphics 

    Click here to see my selections!

  • Cringe in Horror Theater

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]


    Thanks for :

    • Continuing to be associated with kitschy mario jump sounds.
    • By ignoring all the cool stuff being done without your help (homebrew) and with it (ds-10) and focusing on gimmicky things that no one will use after owning the DSi for more than 18 seconds.
    • For making me learn who Jamie Liddel is.

    That being said I do appreciate the cat sounds.

  • DuckSlinger Appeared!

    screenshotDuckSlinger is a new Tracker for the Nintendo DS that was announced at BlockParty. The interface looks a bit spartan, but the website has demos from Coda and Virt, so you already have no shot at being the best composer for it.


    EDIT:  Forgot to mention this appears to be a PSG based tracker. This means you use the Internal DS sounds instead of samples to create your sounds!

  • Manwe “Aliasing” out on UBIKTUNE

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    Ambient shoegazy stuff from UBIKTUNE done mainly on Nintendo DS’s running the DS-10 software.  Get it here, along with the SAV fle for those with flashcarts to check the songs out. Fun!

  • Announcing the 2008 TCTD Awards

    Handcarfted using only the finest child labor.
    Handcrafted using only the finest child labor.

    As 2008 comes to a close, the staff at TCTD takes time to take stock and acknowledge the best and brightest achievers in the International Chip Community. TCTD is pleased to announce that we are accepting nominations for the following Categories.

    Please email all one paragraph or less nominations to: