Back in July I wrote & recorded some songs for Cindy, my girlfriend, for her birthday. I’ve decided to release four of the tracks on bandcamp for everyone else to enjoy too.
Category: Game Boy Classic
PB005| Kommisar- Reimu Plays LSDJ
As if taken straight from an epic poem, this release is the melodically brawn soundtrack to a vast and incomprehensible space and future. Tight compositions strung together with beautiful and memorable melodies, providing a perfect set of futuristic anthems straight from the final frontier. Never before has an LSDJ cartridge been taken to such vast heights in musical complexity, with the writhing rhythms and burning arps, Kommisar takes you on an unforgettable ride through metal and pop influenced opus’ guaranteed to burn through your mind like a cosmic heat ray of chip. A must-have for your chiptune collection, you’re only doing yourself a favour by downloading this outstanding piece of musical craftsmanship.
8GB – Live in Tokyo 2010
Official blurb:
In his first time in Japan (and Asia), 8GB delivers a mighty blow to an unsuspecting Tokyo crowd at the fantastic first installment of Blip Festival Tokyo in Koenji High, Tokyo, Japan, September 5th 2010.
via 8GB’s official feed
Don’t forget, 8GB’s latest track is available in the Chip in: Japan fundraising compilation!
Derp ‘n’ drop, USB Game Boy cartridge status
Mon, 09 May 2011
Drag’n’Derp lives!
So, no update on this for a while; real life has been keeping me busy. Nonetheless, I have found some time recently to get another tranche of work done on the cart design, to the point of having a couple of working prototypes now in testing.What is it? I’m building a new Gameboy cartridge. Not GBA, not DS, original Gameboy. Why? Because a lot of people still use them, in particular for creating music with software like Johan Kotlinski’s LSDj. And to do this, you need a flashable cartridge.
Why? Currently available carts need custom drivers to talk to a computer, and for many types, a cart reader device. This limits their compatibility, and the drivers tend to be poorly maintained after release, too.
Another issue is that all current carts use battery-backed RAM to save user data to – read: music that artists have spent many hours on. These batteries can last ten years in a well-designed system – from the date of manufacture, putting a lifespan on the cartridge and leading to scary reliability issues as they age.
24MBit (3MByte) flash ROM
1MBit (128KByte) Ferroelectric RAM
Instead of battery-backed SRAM, the cart uses F-RAM, which maintains its contents in the absence of power, and has a data retention span on the order of a hundred years.
USB mass storage emulation
The cart appears similar to a thumb drive, allowing ROM and RAM contents to be copied via drag and drop. No drivers are required, and supports all USB-capable platforms.