Category: Platforms

  • Running Steem on OSX

    08022009Handy guide by gwEm on 8BC.

    This will allow you to track on your OSX crippled machine.

  • Castle Tacoskull 1/30 show recap is awesome

    013009_castletacoskullIf only for this Amiga set by StageDiver:


    Download it

    Its a great amiga as sampler set, very 90’s and decidedly not typical chip sound. I guess this amiga set will never be played again, which is a shame because its a gem.
    You can also view this baffling and bewildering youtube clip:

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    And catch all the post show discussion here:

  • Tape Composer released!

    tapeThis is a very cool tool for the Commodore 64! Enthusi of demogroup Onslaught brings this gem to your C64, in 2009, which some might think is a bit late, but I think is appropriate.

    You can make some simple tunes and record (master, as the soft says :D) the output straight to tape on the datassette! I think there’s a bunch of tricks you could pull with this one using fast notes.

    Who’s up for the first tape release entirely made with this? My hat is off for whoever wants to do that… You wanted limitations? Have a suck on this one.

    Get it here

  • Badman Bandstand is now Sleizsa

    The Channel F sequencer from bOOdAw has undergone a name change and some new features have been added. Here is some of the early tracks made with the tool:

    Baron KnoxBurry Demo

    Changlog after the jump!

  • Vandalism News GOLD diskmag released!

    75271Vandalism News, the longest standing diskmag in the Universe, has just seen its number 50 release, the Gold Edition…

    Loaded full of C64 news as usual and featuring music by many of your favourites like Psycho, Jammer, A-Man, Conrad, Drax, Linus and others, plus cool graphics and text provided by the Wrath Design and Onslaught crews, this is the mandatory weekend read for anybody interested in the C64 demoscene. If you are a n00b, you can get a whiff of what has happened for the past ~20 years by reading the Prefaces, and jump straight into the current day and don’t feel left out again :P

    Like if 4 disk sides full of news wasn’t enough, the crew has added two bonus “Golden Goodie Bag” disks, where you can find previously unreleased SID music and other stuff!

    Grab it here!