Category: Visual Artists

Pixel arts, VJs, and others who use vintage hardware to create provocative visual experiences.

  • TCTD Awards 2009: Best Visual Artist

    The life of a pixel artist is at once simpler yet more complex than that of the chip musician. They are constrained by their chosen platforms just as much as their musical counterparts, but lacking the crutches of sequencers and other musician friendly tools they have to reply on their raw talent and vision to create works that express their artistic style and voice.  Here are your 2009 Best Visual Artist Nominees.






  • minusbaby – a few years later on Vimeo

    Next year we are definitely having a best video category.

  • Pocket VBLANK appeared!


    VBLANK writes:

    Pocket VBLANK auto visualizer boards!
    I just created a new set of 32 circuit-boards based off of the visualizer circuit I’ve been using in performances for the last year or so at Pulsewave, 8Static & 2008 Blip Festival.
    The video produced has different output effects, based on the music plugged into it. Basically, I took all of the things I do manually as a visualist, and assigned them to different parts of a stereo input signal.

    Here’s what the “Pocket VBLANK” is…

    • -prebuilt 2.5″ x 3″ circuit board (size of an altoid tin) ready to plug in and go. comes with a power supply.
    • -Plug in your live or pre-recorded music via an 1/8″ stereo mini from your sound board, mp3 player, Gameboy, or where-ever.
    • -Plug your NTSC TV or Projector in via the RCA jack.
    • -pixel images and colors modulate and change based on the audio as if I was standing next to you, drinking your beer  & jamming out on video to your tunes.

    Here’s a test video of that e.s.c. posted of his custom version of the board:

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