- Concert review: Making cool noise with Nintendo Game Boys http://ht.ly/4zNvL #
- Atari 2600 Music Tool screenshot, coming soon http://ht.ly/4A1Ju #
- RT @goto80: This arcade game manual GIF http://is.gd/Ke4HQp synchronizes to this Psilodump MP3 http://is.gd/YOIDqY. #
- Phase One | My Traxx http://ht.ly/4A28E #
- “I Miss The Way You Felt In My Hands And The Way… http://ht.ly/4A2ci #
- RT @goto80: [chipflip] Spectrum Babez (But no Men?) http://is.gd/h22Chd #
- RT @gw3m: If you want a preview of what is to come: http://youtu.be/MMNPa9FRw1Q #
- Digital Folklore: A conversation with Olia Lialina and Dragan Espenschied http://ht.ly/4AdWT #
- What tempo do most people use for Famitracker/LSDJ? http://ht.ly/4AmcI #
- De:Bug Musiktechnik » My Setup: Candie Hank http://ht.ly/4Amsx #
- You want to see them, be them or bed them, they are your nomination for Artist of the Year! http://bit.ly/tctd10 #tctd10 #
- RT @brambonius: And now for one of my own more extreme songs called ‘consumers delight’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2pgtcVTEUc #
- MATRIXSYNTH: sammichSID & sammichFM Assembly http://ht.ly/4AtX0 #
- NES Audio Tools by Neil Baldwin launched http://ht.ly/4AAdB #
- lsdj : updated to v4.1.2 http://ht.ly/4AAg7 Better keyboard mode! #
- RT @pulsewaveSF: Bay Area: We will be presenting a chiptune showcase at @makerfaire in San Mateo (May 21st/22nd). More info soon! #