Big-Chip Tutorials and Apps

Battling 'lil bits.

Big-Chip writes in about his chip resources page. Included are tutorials for Nanoloop 1.3 and 2.2, and NES MML utilities for MACOSX users. Very helpful!


8 responses to “Big-Chip Tutorials and Apps”

  1. The 1.3 tute has convinced me to start with it again. Its amazing how a new perspective can inspire so much.

  2. Neil

    I’ve been looking for a MML tool on OS X for ages!

    Unfortunately, the link on Big Chip’s site seems to be broken (missing file).

    Does anyone have the OS X utils that would be willing to email them to me?


  3. I do not, but have you tried contacting big-chip?

  4. Neil

    I did Peter but no response so far.

    However, in the meantime I did stumble across source code for PPMCKC (an extended version of MCKC) and NESASM that I’ve been able to compile for OSX and have managed to compile a MML file. Works pretty well and PPMCKC is actually an improvement on MCKC (seems to handle arpeggios better for example).

    Let me know if you want the binaries.

  5. Sorry about that i had a jiffy about and moved it to the wrong folder, sould be fixed now. Im not sure i got your email either. Sorry for any inconvenience.

  6. Neil

    Nice one, thanks man.

    I see you’ve used PPMCKC too, nice :)

    Any chance of the (Applescript?) source? I’d like to tinker with it a bit.

  7. Neil

    Ah never mind, I figured out how to edit the script.

  8. Yeah i keep meaning to tinker with it but just never get round to it. Let me know if you make any improvements and ill probably plonk it up with mine.