High Voltage SID Collection Update #50!

hvsc1Great news, SID music fans!
Our favourite collection, the HVSC, is back with its fiftieth update! Quite a landmark.

For years this dedicated group of SID music historians have gathered, fixed and adventured to get all the C64 music ever made, for our enjoyment. Some of the highlights of this release?  Around 678 new SIDs, 59 fixed/better rips, 573 PlaySID/Sidplay1 specific SIDs eliminated and more, catering for a grand total of 36,000 SID files (each of which could include more than one song. yay!!).

The emphasis as I said is in getting ALL of it so the output is usually of mixed qualities, but you can rest assured there’s a lot of cool NEW music to hear, without the pain of crawling through pages of garbage and uncontrolled P commands on LSDJ.

Are you new to the HVSC? I recommend you give a listen to the folders of the following artists: Fanta, Ed, Linus, Randall, Drax, Jeroen Tel and Thomas Danko, to name but a VERY FEW of what’s available.

The rest of the official release information follows:
(via C64.sk)

“Hello fellow lover of SID music!
Nice you found some time to read through this script, to see what has been changed in the HVSC and for what reason.
After this update, the collection should contain 36,000 SID files!

This update features (all approximates):

678 new SIDs
59 fixed/better rips
573 PlaySID/Sidplay1 specific SIDs eliminated
189 repeats/bad rips eliminated
482 SID credit fixes
135 SID model/clock infos
15 tunes from /DEMOS/UNKNOWN/ identified
10 tunes from /GAMES/ identified
36 tunes moved out of /DEMOS/ to their composers’ directories
11 tunes moved out of /GAMES/ to their composers’ directories

As you can see, a great amount of files were eliminated in this update.
We decided to remove all the old _PSID files that have a RSID equivalent.
Those _PSID files were only hacks meant for digitized sounds to be played in Sidplay1, but not on real C64. The _PSID files will be eliminated in every future releases as soon as new RSID versions of the same .sid files are added.

For those still needing the _PSID files we have put them in a separate archive:
We are always looking for others to help make HVSC a better collection. If you find any errors or have new rips to add, please email:

Jan Harries, iAN CooG : hvsc(sid)c64.org

Thanks to all the people who have helped to make HVSC the collection that it is today, without your help it would be a much tougher task.”