Category: Mods

  • Tmee Audio Sega 16-bit Audio Mod in Pictures and Sound Clips

    tmeeMD2 CCAM 1.0 ->
    MD2 stock -> … F4_MD2.ogg
    no TMSS MD1 (HiDef) -> … F4_MD1.ogg


  • GetLoFi – Gameboy DMG-01 Pitch Modification

    gameboy_dmg_pitch_modVery well documented DMG pitch mod, that I hope will inspire more doomchip. DO IT!

    As promised, here is a GetLoFi take on modifying GameBoy DMG-01 with pitch control via the LTC1799 Precision Module from the GetLoFi Shop. The process to replace a fixed 4.19 MHz crystal with a variable digital clock is pretty strait forward, however we will not be responsible for any damage to your hardware, so please do this at your own risk!

    via GetLoFi – Gameboy DMG-01 Pitch Modification.

  • DigiBooster Professional 3 status report 05/2009

    album_picphpSome of you (few :P) may remember my post about this new up and coming tracker for the Amiga back in January. If not, check it out.

    After being rejected for a beta tester position (damned jerks!), I rely on public announcements to keep you updated, so I’m sorry if you have read this somewhere already. To be honest, the company developing it, APC&TCP, have proved to be major asshats to the Amiga community throughout these years so I wouldn’t be surprised they do something not nice with this software. It’ll be my utmost pleasaure to pirate them :P

    Anyway, I am also NOT fond of the generic Intuition/OS3 look of the software, something which was a pet peeve of mine in MusicLine, but that aside, the tracker seems to be packed with features as I mentioned in my previous article.

    Clicking on ‘More’ you will find the full report…



    ff9pd9fft7pm0n2mediumFrom Akira’s earlier post, now you can BUILD YOUR OWN

  • LUA Turns Pulsewave ROM Into Guitar Hero Clone

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]


    The FCEUX “Music PulseWave” Lua script, running on top of the ROM flyer for a November 2007 PulseWave concert in NYC.

    The script turns the non-interactive ROM into a rhythm game. The program automatically analyzes the music, displaying each of the NES’s four audio channels as a bar at the top of the screen. I don’t really understand the interface or the scoring, but the gameplay is as simple as pressing the A button to the beat of the song. It apparently works for other games too — here’s Music PulseWave on top of Journey to Silius.

    And UI found the intial thread with the source:

    For the intrigued:

    Main Lua file
    Required Lua file

    Lua pack, to be extracted in FCEUX’s directory

    The ROM

    Basically, open ROM, hit “Run Lua script…” and pick music_pulsewave.lua, then go.