Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • little-scale – Error Repeat

    00-error-repeatNew release from the fine young cannibals over at CDK. Yay Little-Scale!

    little-scale, Australian Chipmusician/free hosting philantrophist/inventor/avant garde jam session curator/all out antithesis of procrastination has been making music on the Sega Master System, and has let CDK host this short album of danceable ditties! The Wonder From Down Under used a Game Boy and a Master System on these tracks, and the class just seeps through your stereo! Another future classic from the man!

    via CalmDownKidder Records » Blog Archive » [CDK 037] little-scale – Error Repeat.

  • The Making of OutRun at NowGamer

    390_7837_review_screen_03Another interesting behind the scenes, with loads  of details on the creative aspects of creating one of the all time classic racing games. And time is paid to the awesome soundtrack in this excerpt:

    Although the other programmers and graphics designers working on OutRun appear, according to Suzuki, to have had scant influence on shaping the game, one man – Hiroshi Kawaguchi the artist formerly known as Hiroshi Miyauchi – had a tremendous effect on what has become one of the most highly regarded aspects of OutRun’s production: its music. Kawaguchi joined Sega as a programmer in 1984, coding alongside Yuji Naka on the SG-1000 game Girl’s Garden while writing music purely as a hobby outside of work. Suzuki heard some of Kawaguchi’s tunes and was so impressed that he commissioned him to produce the soundtrack for Hang-On, after which Kawaguchi quit his role as a programmer and became a full-time in-house composer at Sega.

    via The Making of OutRun | NowGamer.

  • Oliver Wittchow Interview pt1

    nanoloopFor our third interview, I was lucky enough to talk to a gentleman who needs no introduction, Oliver Wittchow, developer of the highly respected Nanoloop music software. In the first part, we talk a little about Oliver’s background, the very first performance using Nanoloop and the port that never was. A quick thanks to Peter and Matt who suggested a couple of very interesting topics for questions. This interview was conducted by email over a period of about a month and I would like to thank Oliver for his time and detailed answers.

    Click here to read the full interview!

  • Reformat the Planet 1.5 This Weekend!

    This weekend you can catch a sneak screening of Reformat the Planet doc at the new Philly monthly chip event 8static. This is the version that will be released on DVD this summer, with updated interviews and extra features, so check it out so you can be an elite choon insider. On top of that, an increasingly rare Alex Mauer live performance!

    REFORMAT THE PLANET 1.5 makes its official premier at 8static on May 9th!

    “Reformat the Planet 1.5? explores the last two years of chipmusic in New York, exposing fans of the original Reformat the Planet documentary to the intensity that was Blip Festival 2007 and 2008. This new documentary piece shines a spotlight on the ever-crowding Pulsewaves, the growth of the chip music scene in Philadelphia, and the arrival of the next generation of chip musicians to the 8bit scene.

    Above is a short clip featuring Blip Festival 2007 and the new monthly chipmusic show 8static…

    The complete RTP 1.5 piece will appear on the Reformat the Planet dvd scheduled to be released this summer.

  • Breakpoint 2009 wrap-up Part Two

    I hope you enjoyed the demo wrap up because here is part two. I almost forgot about these, to be honest, so I am sorry!

    What we have here is a bunch of files in the categories of Music, Graphics and Games.

    All the oldschool platforms are bundled together on one music category, called “executable oldschool music”. Don’t ask me about the ‘executable’ part, some of these did not come in any sort of executable format. Pixel graphics are not a very popular thing nowadays on the demoscene, so this year we only got one category to cater for that: C64 graphics. Fortunately for the oldschoolers among us, they made an unofficial compo for ASCII and ANSI graphics so we have that too. Then we have 96KB game, which was multiplatform and had a very cool game for the C64.

    So, let’s hit it on with all the data!

    Click here to see all the data!