Category: Amiga

  • KP Mini IFF sample pack (Amiga)

    Neuroflip, oldschool sampling session.
    Neuroflip, oldschool sampling session.

    Amiga 1200 freak Neuroflip from Spain has created a sample pack for the Amiga

    recording the synth patches of the Kaoss Pad Mini from Korg. He used an Amiga Sound Sampler from Telmex and a copy of Protracker for the job.

    The pack can be downloaded for free from the Aminet

    A total of 46+1 samples in IFF stereo format at max sample rate is at your disposal!

    His condition for you to use the samples, is that you send him back a copy of the MOD file you create. What a deal!

    Certainly a cool tool for those that may be starting up with Protracker sequencing.

  • Chipstar Heroes unite

    product-shredz64With all the hype around Guitar Hero and Rockband (following the successful trail of the “DDR-type” games), the oldschool machines feel kind of left out of the loop.

    Fear ye not, my fellow oldschooler, for beautiful minds in the Amiga and C64 scene bring us software to enjoy ripping it on our old machines, with class.

    What’s  so cool about this? These programmers are using chipmusic we love or getting our favourites composer to make music, in original format, for these games. Some of them are opening up for submissions so you should pay attention, if you compose in any of these platforms.

    Tracker Hero, for the classic Amiga range of computers and as of yet unreleased, shown here playing tracks from Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 and some demo productions.

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    Shredz64, for the C64, with a tune fromone of my faves, Randall: Ex-State of Mind. This one even interfaces with the original GH controller and is already available. You can even add your fave SIDs to the software!

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

  • Sounds of the Amiga Vol.1

    Source: CSDb74655

    TRIAD, the well-known C64 demogroup, brings us a new production dedicated to the breadbin’s bigger brother (or as they said, “younger cousin” ;D), the Commodore Amiga 500.

    A collection of 8 songs, covered from their Amiga MOD originals, transformed from 4 digital channels to 3 synth channels, is what you will find in this nice musicdisk. Ne7 and dalezy are the men behind the musicmaking, while Spot(also from Amiga demogroup Up Rouugh) took care of the graphics, and iopop has crafted the coding.

    My disk’s favourites? No Future and Introghost.

    (watch out for Vol.2!)

  • Best Live Visuals II

    When I was making my first steps in VJing, around the early 2000s, I was looking around for information and stumbled upon these two mystic guys who were using Amigas to make their VJing while saying they were “the worst, and getting better at it”, a phrase that certainly denoted the kind of humour handled by them.
    As the vintage computer freak I am (and this was soon after I embraced the PC for the first time, still keeping my Amiga), I was interested about them and started to find some info. These guys were hard to get a hold on, and information was scarce! I realized they were playing in almost every show organized by … certainly at the time the -only- crew dedicated to VJing for what was then emerging as “contemporary chipmusic”. Found 2 or 3 videos and wanted more. Nowhere to be found, and I was living in Argentina! How to catch the shows? Damnit! That was the catch. Kept drooling at those posters coming from the old continent…

    With 10 years in the game and no sign of stagnation, our next nominee is definitely the most experienced of the bunch, and the one with the heftiest trajectory. Today existing as a one-man workforce, after performing and lecturing all across the world (from the USA to most all Europe, passing through Russia and even China) and being one of the leaders of the project C64 Orchestra, our eyes are still rocked by this marvelous artist.

    Ladies and gentleman, a warm welcome to…

    The C-Men
    [Enschede, Netherlands]

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
    The C-Men + Psilodump (Live @ En Festival i 8 Bitar 2008)


  • Best Demo Production IV

    Even though this category has been devised with the milking of stock vintage hardware in mind, we had to put an Amiga demo in there.

    What do I mean with this? The expansions available for the Amiga computers, in many cases, have by far exceeded what we would consider an oldschool platform, and many of the demos being released today for the Amiga use fast accelerators and other stuff unavailable on stock hardware years ago. This puts the Amiga demoscene in a different spot to the C64 or Spectrum one. Unfortunately, the Amiga demoscene is not as blooming as other scenes nowadays. There are very few demogroups that are still releasing for it, and most just don’t cover old hardware like A500, or even a stock 1A200. Fortunately the combined output of these few groups is of high quality (Uprough being my favourite group) and every year we can count on some good productions.

    Getting a second place this year at Breakpoint’s Amiga competition and with some nice tech skills to wit coupled with a style which reminds us of “survival horror” games like Silent Hill, we present you our fourth nomination in the demo category:

    Soliloquy by Elude

    [kml_flashembed movie=" " width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]