01: Added DAC Control (Samples) to the YM2612.
02: Support for both 1.50 and the NEW 1.60 VGM FORMAT (The unique software so far supporting this new version of VGM, you will need the lastest in_vgm to play the tunes).
03: Removed Microsoft Redistributable C++ dependency.
04: Added a second Tick Time selector to obtain more specific tempo values.
05: NTSC/PAL value now is saved to the DMF files.
06: Now samples are selecteable on instrument list (only will play on the PCM Channel of the system however).
07: Due to a timing error, the YMU759 files size was huge. Now it is corrected, so the size of the MMFs is a lot smaller.
08: To make more clear the YMU759 Behavior, the unique ins that you can change is the very first one.
09: More optimization and some bugs corrected.
10: Resampling of imported wav files.
11: VGM writing optimization.
> DefleMask 3.9 Released!.