Category: software

  • LSDj Sav HTML Converter Appeared

    Wtsnacks wrote:

    I made it in Ruby, as that’s my scripting language of choice as of recent. I’m really only a web developer, so it was the best language for me to do it in, and I’d never used Rails, so I decided that making it a web application with Ruby on Rails would be the best for displaying all the information neatly.

  • While We Were Gone Mega Dump

    Ed: If There is anything we missed, let us know!



    New Ak47 Mix Tape

    Blip Fest DVDs now on Sale

    Alex Mauer- Low Gear

    Leaves by mattisson


    Goto80 on Zerocycle Music

    What kind of music do you make when the coder has used almost all the computing power, the designer had his/her go, and there is not even enough CPU-power left to play sounds? You make zero cycle music!”

    Port LittlePiggytracker to PSP Fundraiser


    4bit Synths
    4bitsynth is a MIDI-controlled digital synthesizer that uses the Atmel AVR ATMega48. Inspired by the NES, the sound is 4-bit. The digital output is put through an R-2R resistor ladder to get the analog waveform.

    Preorder Ultrasatan for your AtariST


    Dutycycle with A_Rival magfest footage


    Relaunched his blog with a menifesto to only release on music disks.. COOL!

    More Chiptheft

    Unicorn Kid on NME and the inevitable Flamewar

    Role Model Interview Translated and Translated again

    Withering and Hilarious Dissection of Sonic Soundtrack

  • VOPM Unoffical Manual appeared

    From Gorenfeld’s page

    VOPM Universal Binary
    Sam’s great FM synthesizer plug-in VOPM is now available in a Universal Binary form. The plug-in emulates an OPM– the sound system found in the Sharp X68K home computer and similar to the one found in the Sega Genesis (Megadrive). Many thanks to Sam for allowing me to post the OS X port. I have also written an unofficial English manual for VOPM.

  • reVisit Pro appeared.. get it for free

    Post Blip, truly great puns will come at a premium this week.
    Post Blip, truly great puns will come at a premium this week.

    reVisit is a VST plugin that seeks to easily add tracker composition to any VST host is offering free versions to those helping with his Uni project. More info:

    After uncountable hours, weeks, months and years of coding and testing,
    I am proud to present
    reViSiT Professional to you. Not only is this new
    release the most powerful, most feature-rich, most stable version ever;
    it is also the best value… as you can now ‘go Pro’ for free, through the
    reViSiT Experiment. The what, the why, and the how are detailed below.

    It only remains for me to give thanks to all of you for your help in testing
    and shaping reViSiT during its formative years. reViSiT is what it is today
    because of your support. Thank you!

    If anyone has any questions, feel free to pose them on the forum, and I’ll
    try to answer you as quickly as possible. For further information, see the
    reViSiT Experiment website @

    Now, what’s keeping you…? Go on! Go be creative!

  • Announcing the 2008 TCTD Awards

    Handcarfted using only the finest child labor.
    Handcrafted using only the finest child labor.

    As 2008 comes to a close, the staff at TCTD takes time to take stock and acknowledge the best and brightest achievers in the International Chip Community. TCTD is pleased to announce that we are accepting nominations for the following Categories.

    Please email all one paragraph or less nominations to: