Pop Culture • videos

One Thousand Stars by The Black Comets

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/0iIhAWxhBek" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]


Nice Final Fantasy tribute (a game i’ve never gotten into) that gives me an thin excuse to post some garage rock on the blog.


EtherNES Might Appear

bOOdaw writes:

EtherNES is a NES networking project that Wookie is currently designing the schematics and working with the NESdev community to connect your NES to your LAN.  Fortunately a solution has been found for the difficult male expansion connector at the bottom of the NES.  A female connector has been found to work from the company Sullins Connectors (more information within the thread).

Some of the current development application ideas for EtherNES once completed:

* Synching NESes together for audio playback
* Launching remote code
* A MIDINES alternative
* A text-based web browser…
* Etc…

Serial Communication + Powerpak might be a great dev enviroment, think compiling your song and sending it directly to hardware! Or the midi alternative would be cool as well, Will keep an eye on things.

MDX • PSP • software

MDX Player for the PSP appeared

p9220003Thanks to the following tip from kami68k:

An MDX Player for the PSP appeared, its made by BouKiCHi:

more about MDX:

And on a sidenote, Naruto has announced a new Sound Driver for the Sharp X1 (why is everyone doing new Soundrivers lately?)

There is nothing to see yet though:

ds • Pop Culture

Cringe in Horror Theater

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/0GixXDzLPfo" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]


Thanks for :

  • Continuing to be associated with kitschy mario jump sounds.
  • By ignoring all the cool stuff being done without your help (homebrew) and with it (ds-10) and focusing on gimmicky things that no one will use after owning the DSi for more than 18 seconds.
  • For making me learn who Jamie Liddel is.

That being said I do appreciate the cat sounds.


Filing under “Odder Chip Style Instruments”

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/I8MUgwiZULw" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Noah Vawter Writes:

It is played on two instruments, a bass and tenor ‘eel.’  Based on the Medieval instrument called the serpent, sliding gestures from the body power a microcontroller-based synthesizer and allow the performers to inflect some of the traditional expressive affordances on electronic music.

Looks more fun than Muddy Gb.. also check out his ONE BIT GROOVEBOX